Newcomers and guests are always welcome at ISM events. Also posted here are events around the region and national events. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.
- Saturday, February 15, starting at 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM - Winter ISM Hybridizers' Meeting
Meeting at a NEW LOCATION! First Religious Society, 27 School St. Carlisle, MA 01741. 10:30-4:00 (setup at 10AM). This location has a full kitchen, so we can have our potluck lunch! Bring a dish to share; drinks will be provided. All hybridizers are invited to share their creations and experiments, and all members are invited to join.
- Saturday, March 22 - ISM Spring Meeting and Photo Contest
Meeting at our new location: First Religious Society, 27 School St. Carlisle, MA 01741. Program TBD. - Saturday, May 31 - ISM and Region 1 Spring Garden Tours and Judges' Training
We plan to visit Bev Steiner's gardens at 18 Patterson Road in Shirley, MA and Jan Sacks' and Marty Schafer's Joe Pye Weed's gardens at 337 Acton St. in Carlisle, MA. Watch your email for tour and judges' training details. - Saturday, July 26 - ISM Rhizome Sale
At Verrill Farm, 11 Wheeler Rd, Concord, MA 01742. Opens to the public at 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM or whenever we sell out of plants, whichever comes first. Watch your email for details about pre-sale preparation (trimming and marking rhizomes)and helping out on the day of the sale. - Sunday, August 3 - Noon-4:00 PM - ISM Auction
Members auction of newer irises (and other things), outdoors, under a canopy at Toadland Gardens (home of Stephanie Markham & Larry Wilson), 22 Lawrence Street, Norfolk, MA 02056. Lunch and socializing at noon, auction starts at 1:00 PM. BYO chair and lunch, drinks and snacks will be available. - Saturday, October 4 - AIS Region 1 Annual Fall Meeting
Program TBD.